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Enjoy delicious movie theater popcorn at home
This vintage-inspired design lets you cook batches of kettle-fresh popcorn with the flip of a switch. Served in red and white bowls, the freshly popped corn adds a fun, retro edge to home movie night.
Item# 60030
Theater Popcorn Maker Accessories
Popcorn Scoop • Kernel Measuring Scoop • Oil Spoon
Instructional Manual Button
How to make popcorn
Lift the kettle lid all the way to the top to adhere to the magnet and carefully pour kernels and oil into the popping kettle according to the ratio chart below. Lower kettle lid. CAUTION: Lid may be HOT!
Carefully close the door on the main unit and Switch ON the main power at the side
Popcorn starts popping out through the lid of the popping kettle. Switch OFF when popping is complete (when there is no more popping sound from the kettle)
Empty the drop-kettle with the one-touch external trigger. It is suggested to lift the kettle lid before pulling the switch CAUTION: Kettle will be HOT!
This recipe should yield about 12 cups of popcorn.
Once fully popped, add popcorn to a large mixing bowl and add your favorite toppings!
Ratio Chart


Item# 60030

Enjoy delicious movie theater popcorn at home
This vintage-inspired design lets you cook batches of kettle-fresh popcorn with the flip of a switch. Served in red and white bowls, the freshly popped corn adds a fun, retro edge to home movie night.


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Professional Ice Shaver Ice Cubes
Motorized stirring rod produces a 95% pop rate, leaving fewer kernels behind
Professional Ice Shaver Operation
All parts are easily removable for cleaning including the transparent plastic door and non-stick kettle
Professional Ice Shaver Ice Cubes
5 oz kettle pops up to 12 cups of movie theater style popcorn
Professional Ice Shaver Operation
Easy to use with a simple on/off switch
Professional Ice Shaver Ice Cubes
Vented tempered plastic windows let the steam escape to keep your popcorn fresh
Professional Ice Shaver Operation
Empty the drop-kettle with the one-touch external trigger
Professional Ice Shaver Operation
Catch tray with filter collects unpopped kernels
How It Works Button
8:30am‑5:00pm ET Monday-Friday

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