Make every movie night memorable. Nostalgically designed to evoke the classic movie theaters of old, this vintage free-standing popcorn maker has everything you need to make every movie night memorable.
Use the lid handle to open the kettle lid and carefully pour kernels and oil into the popping kettle (maximum 1/3 cup of popping oil and 1 cup of raw popcorn kernels). Lower kettle lid.CAUTION: Lid may be HOT!
Press the LIGHT, HEATER and STIR buttons ON. The kettle will begin to heat and stir. After 2 minutes, popping will begin and popped corn will spill from the kettle into the main chamber.
After the popping has stopped, open the door and rotate the kettle tilt knob. Wearing oven mitts, knock the kettle lightly to release the last remaining popped kernels.
Tilt the front plate open and use the scoop to slide popcorn over the kernel filter to allow loose kernels to fall into the catch tray below.
Scoop popped corn into a large serving bowl. This recipe should yield about 26-30 cups of popcorn.
Nostalgically designed to evoke the classic movie theaters of old, this vintage free-standing popcorn maker has everything you need to make every movie night memorable.
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8oz kettle pops up to 20 cups of fresh popcorn in 3-4 minutes
860 Watt Premium Model with 3 control switches; spot light warmer, stirrer and pot heater
Removable aluminum drop kettle design for easy cleaning
Motorized stirring rods give a 90% pop rate, leaving fewer kernels behind
Kernel filter and catch tray in the base of the storage compartment removes any un-popped kernels
Warming deck at base helps to keep popcorn fresh and warm
Storage in base of cart, and large shelf help you to keep everything you need to make and serve delicious popcorn in one place
Large wheels allow you to move the cart effortlessly